Welcome, freshmen, to our class blog!

This is the happenin' place to come and visit for updates, reminders, and assignments. Don't forget that you can email me anytime - nwhite@hpregional.org - and that you now have a Google account through High Point, which means you have a full access of Google apps. Go to the High Point website and click on the link to log into the student Google accounts, and make use of this valuable tool.

Below and to the right you will find some valuable links to helpful websites. Below this, you will find Posts that will be my notes to you on various topics, assignments, etc., throughout the year. Be sure to check the older posts, as there may only be one currently showing.

Now, you must remember what Coach Rex Ryan has promised, over and over, that next year is the year for the JETS!! J - E - T - S JETS JETS JETS!!!!

And Let's Go Mets!!!

**Please hold onto the literary terms list that was given to you a few weeks ago. KNOW THEM. We will be adding to this list.

**Be an active reader - use Post-its, and have conversations with the author! Always think about what message is being sent; what purpose is at play?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Essay Test Assignment for "A Midnight Clear"

The Price is White Room
CP English 9B – A Midnight Clear Open-Ended Short Essay Test 80 pts total

Choose FOUR of the following essay questions and answer in well-developed (one lengthy paragraph each) essays (topic sentence reiterating the question, and concluding sentence summing up main topic). You may choose one more for extra points! **Read the essay term definitions closely and use them correctly!**
These must be typed, double-spaced, MLA heading format. Use present verb tense!

1. Compare the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, and/or the novel Johnny Got His Gun, and/or the film Source Code, and/or the “Christmas Truce” Internet information with the film A Midnight Clear.

2. Contrast Paul Baumer’s motivation for fighting the enemy with Stan Shutzer’s.

3. Criticize the writer’s inclusion of the flashback scene with Janice and the four young soldiers.

4. Discuss Mother Wilkins’ comments while in the attic looking at the paintings. (“Try to remember who the real enemy is, Will.”)

5. Justify the plan to make Mother look like a hero.

6. Define “shared humanity,” using examples from A Midnight Clear and the “Christmas Truce” Internet information.

7. Illustrate the injustice of war, using examples from Johnny Got His Gun, Source Code, and A Midnight Clear.

8. Trace what happens with Father’s body from his death until it is delivered to the grave register.

9. Summarize the surrender plan to which the Americans and the Germans agree, including the events which caused the plan to fail.

10. Enumerate the instances of death which affect the men personally in A Midnight Clear.

11. Interpret the meaning behind the frozen bodies of a Nazi and an American soldier posed as if dancing in the forest.

12. Interpret the following quote: “We pass through the mythical barriers between boys and men, men and death. Janice takes us with her.”

13. Prove that A Midnight Clear is a good movie.

14. Describe the Christmas scene.

15. Prove that A Midnight Clear, Johnny Got His Gun, and All Quiet on the Western Front are all powerful anti-war works.

16. Define a “million dollar wound,” and explain what happens to Stan Shutzer.

Essay Term Definitions

To show how things are alike OR
To show how things are alike and different

contrast: to show only the differences between things

criticize: to make an overall judgment on the merits and faults of a thing

discuss: to consider something from (at least two) different points of view

justify: to show why something is right or has a right to be

define: to make clear the meaning of something and set its limits

illustrate: to show by giving examples

trace: to show the development of something in sequence

summarize: to state the main points of something briefly, often by lists

enumerate: to give a list as completely as possible

interpret: to give the underlying meaning of something

prove: to subject to a testing process

describe: to tell about in detail

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