Welcome, freshmen, to our class blog!

This is the happenin' place to come and visit for updates, reminders, and assignments. Don't forget that you can email me anytime - nwhite@hpregional.org - and that you now have a Google account through High Point, which means you have a full access of Google apps. Go to the High Point website and click on the link to log into the student Google accounts, and make use of this valuable tool.

Below and to the right you will find some valuable links to helpful websites. Below this, you will find Posts that will be my notes to you on various topics, assignments, etc., throughout the year. Be sure to check the older posts, as there may only be one currently showing.

Now, you must remember what Coach Rex Ryan has promised, over and over, that next year is the year for the JETS!! J - E - T - S JETS JETS JETS!!!!

And Let's Go Mets!!!

**Please hold onto the literary terms list that was given to you a few weeks ago. KNOW THEM. We will be adding to this list.

**Be an active reader - use Post-its, and have conversations with the author! Always think about what message is being sent; what purpose is at play?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Off to War...

How would you feel about going off to war at just 18 years old? Do you think you would sign up voluntarily, or no? If the draft was put into place again, how would you react? Would you want to run? If you were going off to war today and you were allowed to bring any three things, what would they be, and why would you bring them?

Please have this reflection (10 pts) written in your notebook for Fri., January 9, 2015!!!

All Quiet on the Western Front is told from the point of view of a young German soldier during WWI. Please have chapter 1 read and the worksheet (25 pts) completed for THURS., JAN. 8th.

To complete the Websearch "Trenches on the Web," (35 pts) click on the following link:

To complete the Websearch "The Christmas Truce of 1914," (30 pts) click on the following link:

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